December 20th 2009-December 20th 2010

331 days to go
47 Movies

About Me

United States
My favorite actress is Meryl Streep if you Have not guessed, and because of her I want to become an actress. She is an acting ledgend!

Saturday, February 6, 2010


Jack Nickleson's character was a complete a-hole! I could not believe how ignorant he was, I wanted to kill him i almost threw the iPod i was watching it on half way across the room. Meryl Streep was phenomenal, she never really was good at crying but not in this movie. She cried like a baby! In the end i really think she made a good choice by leaving him. Although i did cry at the end. This movie was amazing!

Sunday, January 17, 2010

Lions for Lambs

Wow. This movie was deep. Little off topic but Meryl Steep looks better with long hair, but anywa back to the movie, loved the storyline itshow that you can't just get everything by doing something you have to make sacrifices. In this case two men thought they could join the army and make a difference, get into a good grad school cheap, but in the end theyended up sacrificing thier live before they got to the benefits.

Fantastic Mr.Fox

This movie was pretty funny. The storyline kinda sucked. It was nothing like the book but it was pretty funny wth that little adult humor every now and then. But i love fact that I heard all these stars like Meryl Streep...duh, George Clooney. Bill Muary,and Owen Willson.

Sunday, January 10, 2010

The Bridges of Madison County

This movie was kind of slow in the begining but once you got into it you actually really would enjoy it. I fell in love with all the characters, at the end I was balling. I personally think she made the right choice. You can't just give up your whole life just because you get bored with it, and thats what I think the movie was trying to get across. I mean just think about the lives you will effect, and in the long run if you make the right choice you'll know it, and well, if you make a bad one same goes for that. This has to be one of the best movies of all time.

Friday, January 1, 2010

AI:Artificail Intellagence

With this movie at first I was disapointed because I waited the whole movie just to hear meryl streep's voice for 2 seconds at the end but then i thought about it. I accually loved that movie. Meryl Streep is really opening up my eyes to a variety of movies. I just love her!

It's Complicated

This movie is now my absolute favorite movie. She was the funniest thing ever! My favorite part was when she got high. honestly I think they had to do something to her to get her to do those scenes, and if not she is just a really great actress. My favorite quote was when Steve Martin said " You got that high from one hit!" I was laighing my a** off in that movie thetre. If eveyone else weren't laughing with me I would have been kicked out. The only thing I didn't like about the movie was the ending. i really wanted her to get back with her ex.

The Devil Wears Prada

This was an amazing movie. I totally loved Meryl Streep as a complete b****! She was hillarios my favorite part of the movie was when her assistant was trying to get her a flight from Miami to New York in a huricane and she just kept saying "Oh, it's just drizzling. That sent me of the wall.

Lemony Snicket's a Series of Unfortunate Events

Meryl Streep had a small part in this movie but hillarious none the less. She played the totally insane Aunt Josephine. in all the movies I've seen her in, I can totally see this as one of her top five peronalities, but definitely not in an offensive way i loved this charater!

Julie & Julia

This movie was amazing and hillarious. It was funny in away like Law & Order:SVU, the little subtle comments everryone makes make you laugh histaricly. My favorite quote of the movie was from Julia's husband Paul, who was also in a movie called The Devil Wears Prada with Meryl Streep also. Anyway my favorite quote was "F*** them."

Thursday, December 24, 2009

Mamma Mia!

This movie was amazing! Now don't call me obsessed but i have seen this movie 77 times. This is mostly because of Meryl Streep, she makes acting look so natural. In my opinion she can sing better than Madonna. Back to the movie it was hillarious, SHE is hillarious.

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

The River Wild

This movie was amazing,and Meryl Streep was phenominal.The only complaint i would have is the actor that played her husband. I accually think that the only reason he was hired was to make Meryl look good,but lets face it she would look good next to Brad Pitt or any other actor they could have put up there.

Monday, December 21, 2009

Death Becomes Her

This movie was hillarious. Meryl Streep could not have played that role better she fit it perfectly. I can not describe in words how amazing that movie was. This movie made me wish it never ended. My favorite qoute of the movie is "I...can a**!". Let me tell you one thing. If Meryl Streep didn't bocome one of the most famous actresses of all times she would have been a world fomous comedian. If I was a critic for this movie I don't care how many laws of nature I would break 27 thumbs up.

Sunday, December 20, 2009


Before I talk about anything Meryl Streep related I thought that I would tell you a little bit about my mission. My goal is to watch all of Meryl Streep and all the movies tht i know of so far are im the box to the right of the blog posts and if you have anything to add feel free to comment on this post with any movies i might be missing.Thank you!